"Turning Dreams & Shifting Harbours" is a contribution to The Kidnapping Europe art project, which was initialized by Christina Clar and Peter Jap Lim. This is the resulting compilation of 16 exclusive musical contributions.

Turning Dreams & Shifting Harbours
Overall, a musical journey that takes little persuading to pick you up but drops you off a long, long way from where you started out.
Co Published by Beau Rivage
Co Published by Beau Rivage
1. Andi Schoon – Two Flagrances
2. James Merle Thomas – Ballad of Quecreek Mine
3. Wio – Yeah, The Bull Wants Some Fun
4. Jules Etienne – French Journey
5. Johen Briesen – Poppy Metal Mask
6. Jürgen Heckel – Minor Minos
7. Jan Thoben – Banana Peel
8. David Grubbs – A Parcel Of Land
9. Alexander Polzin – Smile
10. Andi Künnecke – Dreams Off
11. Luke Sutherland – Music for Creamie
12. Christophe Stoll – Start Today
13. Steve Roden – Giglio
14. Christof Kurzmann – Sinnphonie Aporique
15. Volker Zander – Trayeder
16. Hessen – Ballade Triste